Aaron Sorkin

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Patrick Swayze

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 4 times

Anthony Hopkins

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Monica Lewinsky

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 2 times

Tyra Banks

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Marisa Tomei

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Bill Clinton

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 2 times

Nancy Pelosi

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Warren Zevon

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 1 time

Robert De Niro

mentinoed other works for 0 times, and mentioned by other works for 3 times

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