references to Star Wars from other works

In episode Curriculum Unavailable

Shirley enjoyed Tower Heist and, apparently, mixes up " Star Wars and Star Trek " calling them "Space Treks".

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode How I Met Everyone Else

Barney compares himself to Yoda , a fictional character in the Star Wars universe.

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode The Fight

At the end of the episode Marshall uses a Lightsaber to carve the turkey, referencing Star Wars .

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode Milk

Ted says he is going to name his kids Luke and Leia, which are the names of the main characters in the Star Wars saga.

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode Spoiler Alert

Ted calls Lily Chewbacca because she chews her food loudly, a reference to the Star Wars character. He also says that her eating ribs "sounded like Jurassic Park (film) ."

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode Do I Know You?

Ted and Stella watch Star Wars .

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode Double Date

Barney uses a '' Star Wars '' exhibition about the character Chewbacca to trick Marshall and Ted into going out for the night.

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

In episode Moving Day

Barney's line "I'll be at the snack shack eating our victory onion rings Han style... Solo!" references the character Han Solo from the Star Wars franchise.

created by [email protected] at about 4 years ago

some more references are tracked yet not verified